In Cataclysm, the Demonology Warlock stands as a beacon of dark power, expertly commanding demonic forces to decimate their adversaries. Central to their might is the emphasis on Intellect and Mastery, with Intellect bolstering spell power and critical strike chance, and Mastery enhancing the damage and effectiveness of their demonic minions and abilities. This specialization thrives on a dynamic resource management system, utilizing Soul Shards to empower their most potent spells and summonings.  With a deep understanding of their dark arts and an array of demonic minions at their command, Demonology Warlocks unleash havoc upon their enemies, epitomizing the pinnacle of destructive power.


In Cataclysm, selecting the right race for a Demonology Warlock goes beyond mere appearance, focusing on racial abilities that enhance their formidable spellcasting and demonic control. This guide explores the optimal racial choices to maximize DPS for Assassination Rogues. The preferred races are indicated with a fire emoji 🔥



With an innate increase to their mana pool, Gnomes support longer durations of spellcasting, crucial for a Demonology Warlock. Their racial ability “Escape Artist” provides a tactical advantage in maneuvering.


“Viciousness” directly increases critical strike chance, amplifying the damage output of critical hits, which is great for maximizing the effectiveness of damaging spells and abilities.


Offers versatile benefits with “Every Man for Himself,” providing utility in various scenarios, and a spirit boost for slight mana efficiency improvements.


“Stoneform” can be situationally beneficial, offering a way to cleanse debuffs and reduce incoming damage.



Orcs bring “Blood Fury,” increasing spell power significantly for a short period, and “Command,” enhancing pet damage. These traits synergize well with the Demonology Warlock’s reliance on powerful spells and demonic minions.


“Berserking” provides a substantial boost to casting speed, essential for ramping up DPS during critical moments of combat.


“Will of the Forsaken” offers a unique advantage in breaking free from crowd control, complemented by “Touch of the Grave” for added offensive and self-sustain capabilities.


“Arcane Torrent” has its utility in mana restoration and provides a spell interrupt in close quarters, offering tactical benefits.


“Rocket Jump” improves positional flexibility, and “Time is Money” slightly increases haste, beneficial for faster spell casting.


In the shadowy realms of Azeroth, Demonology Warlocks stand as masters of dark sorcery and demonic minions. Achieving excellence in this specialization demands a deep understanding of which stats to prioritize for optimizing spellcasting efficiency and demonic synergy. This guide delineates the stat hierarchy critical to elevating a Demonology Warlock’s performance in PvE encounters.


Intellect is the cornerstone of a Demonology Warlock’s arsenal, significantly enhancing Spell Power, expanding the mana pool, and increasing critical strike chance. This multifaceted benefit places Intellect as the primary stat for augmenting a Warlock’s overall effectiveness.


Precision in spellcasting is crucial; reaching a 17% hit cap ensures your dark magics invariably afflict their target. Beyond this threshold, Hit Rating loses its value, establishing its importance strictly up to this pivotal cap.


Haste Rating accelerates your spellcasting tempo and the frequency of your DoT ticks, vital for a sustained damage output. The first soft haste cap is reached at 21.4% Haste, allowing for an additional tick of Immolate, enhancing its damage output. The second soft cap, at 25% Haste, achieves an extra Corruption tick. These caps are milestones for a Demonology Warlock, aiming to optimize DoT efficiency without exceeding necessary levels, ensuring resource allocation towards Mastery once these caps are met.


Beyond these soft caps, the benefit of further investment in Haste diminishes. While it continues to provide some utility in spellcasting speed and DoT application, the emphasis shifts towards Mastery. This transition marks a critical point in gear optimization, where additional Haste yields lesser returns compared to the significant impact of Mastery on demonic damage output and Metamorphosis effectiveness.


Mastery Rating bolsters the damage output of your demonic minions and the devastating power unleashed during Metamorphosis, aligning with the core of Demonology’s gameplay. Following the attainment of the soft haste caps, Mastery becomes the prime target for stat investment, significantly enhancing a Warlock’s damage dealing capabilities.

You can also use a Mastery gear sets before the pull to boost the damage of Metamorph but cast it and make sure you change your gear back before the pull. You’ll probably need a macro for a quickswap of the gear. 


Critical Strike Rating, enhancing the likelihood of landing critical hits with spells, ranks lowest among the prioritized stats for Demonology Warlocks. While it does contribute to overall DPS, the superiority of other stats—Intellect, Hit, and especially Mastery post-haste caps—dictates its lower prioritization in the stat hierarchy.


Single Target Build





Offers approximately 580 Intellect for 15 seconds through Lightweave Embroidery proc, providing a burst of spell power that’s crucial for amplifying your damage during critical phases of an encounter. Additionally, Tailoring offers Master’s Spellthread, an economical alternative to the conventional leg enchant, granting a sustainable boost to your spell power and stamina.


Grants the unique advantage of adding two extra gem slots, one each to your bracers and gloves, enabling an increase of up to 100 Intellect when equipped with the highest quality gems. This profession is invaluable for those looking to fine-tune their gear for an optimal balance of power.


Allows the use of three Brilliant Chimera’s Eye gems, providing a significant boost of 51 Intellect over standard gems, and up to 81 Intellect when leveraging the synergy with higher-tier gems. This profession is essential for maximizing your intellect and, consequently, your overall damage output.


Enhances the power of your flasks through Mixology, giving an additional 80 Intellect boost to your chosen flask. This continuous enhancement is vital for maintaining high levels of spell power throughout the most challenging encounters.


Provides an 80 Intellect boost through ring enchantments, directly increasing your spell power and critical strike chance. Enchanting is crucial for Warlocks seeking to maximize their effectiveness in every aspect of combat.


Offers not only an average of 80 Intellect through Synapse Springs but also a unique survival tool with the Grounded Plasma Shield. Despite its potential to backfire, the shield’s defensive capabilities can be a lifesaver, making Engineering a dual-purpose profession for offense and defense.


Gives an 80 Intellect boost through Felfire Inscription, bypassing the need to farm reputation for equivalent shoulder enchants. Inscription is a time-efficient choice for Warlocks looking to augment their power quickly.


Provides an 80 Intellect increase through Draconic Embossment – Intellect, directly enhancing your spell power and making Leatherworking a strong choice for Warlocks focused on boosting their primary stat.


Though less directly related to damage output, offers an 80 Haste Rating boost through Lifeblood, enhancing spell casting speed and therefore increasing DPS over time.


For Demonology Warlocks, maximizing your dark potential requires a strategic approach to gemming your gear. This guide outlines the best gems to empower your spells and enhance your command over demons.

Please note that Epic Gems are not available in phase one of Cataclysm


Burning Shadowspirit Diamond: Embeds your gear with +54 Intellect and increases your critical strike damage by 3%. Activation demands at least three red gems, aligning your gemming strategy with a focus on boosting your primary stat, Intellect, for enhanced spell power.


Brilliant Queen’s Garnet or Brilliant Inferno Ruby: Primary gems to amplify Intellect, providing +40 Intellect for the Ruby or +50 Intellect for the Garnet. For Jewelcrafters, Brilliant Chimera’s Eye offers a superior option with +67 Intellect, making it the optimal choice to maximize spell power.


If the socket bonus is less significant (+20 Intellect or less), stick to red gems like Brilliant Queen’s Garnet or Brilliant Inferno Ruby to continue focusing on boosting Intellect. For bonuses meriting consideration and if the Haste cap has been reached, Artful Lava Coral or Artful Ember Topaz (Intellect and Mastery) are recommended for enhancing Mastery’s effect on demonic minions and Metamorphosis. Otherwise, if under the Haste cap, Reckless Lava Coral or Reckless Ember Topaz (+20 Intellect and +20 Haste) are preferable to accelerate spell casting and DoT ticks.


When socket bonuses offer less than +20 Intellect, opt again for red gems to prioritize Intellect. In scenarios where socket bonuses justify diversification, Veiled Shadow Spinel or Veiled Demonseye (Intellect and Hit Rating) are suggested to ensure spells land on targets without miss, crucial for maintaining relentless DPS.


Optimizing gear with the right enchantments is crucial for Demonology Warlocks to maximize their dark arts in Cataclysm.


Arcanum of Hyjal: Boosts Intellect significantly, enhancing your overall spell power and mana pool, critical for sustaining long battles.


Greater Inscription of Charged Lodestone: Increases Intellect and haste, speeding up spellcasting and improving DPS output.

Felfire Inscription (Inscription): Offers a superior Intellect boost, making it an essential choice for Inscriptionists aiming to maximize spellcasting effectiveness.


Enchant Cloak – Greater Intellect: Amplifies Intellect, directly increasing spell power for greater damage output.

Lightweave Embroidery (Tailoring): Provides a chance to significantly boost Intellect temporarily, offering a burst in spell power during critical moments of combat.


Enchant Chest – Peerless Stats: Enhances all stats, providing a balanced improvement to both offensive and defensive capabilities.


Enchant Bracer – Mighty Intellect: Increases Intellect, further boosting spell power.

Draconic Embossment – Intellect (Leatherworking): Grants an exceptional Intellect increase, crucial for Leatherworkers to enhance their spellcasting prowess.

Socket Bracer (Blacksmithing): Adds a customizable gem slot, allowing for targeted stat improvements.


Enchant Gloves – Haste: Improves haste, reducing spellcasting times for a smoother rotation.

Synapse Springs (Engineering): Temporarily boosts Intellect by a significant margin, ideal for enhancing spell power in critical phases.

Socket Gloves (Blacksmithing): Adds an extra gem slot for further customization and stat enhancement.


Ebonsteel Belt Buckle: Allows an additional gem for customizable stat improvement, enhancing versatility in gear optimization.


Powerful Enchanted Spellthread: Significantly increases Intellect and stamina, bolstering both spell power and survivability.

Master’s Spellthread (Tailoring): Offers a cost-effective alternative with similar benefits to the Powerful Enchanted Spellthread.


Enchant Boots – Lavawalker: Provides a mix of mastery and a movement speed increase, enhancing both spell efficiency and mobility.

Enchant Boots – Haste: Focuses on improving haste for faster spellcasting.


Enchant Ring – Intellect: Directly boosts Intellect on both rings, significantly enhancing spell power exclusively for enchanters.


Enchant Weapon – Power Torrent: Offers a chance to significantly increase Intellect temporarily, boosting spell power during critical moments.

Enchant Weapon – Hurricane (cheaper): Provides a haste boost, enhancing spellcasting speed at a more cost-effective rate.


Enchant Off-Hand – Superior Intellect: Increases Intellect, further enhancing spell power for your off-hand item.


Maximizing your effectiveness in battles across Azeroth requires more than just powerful spells; it demands the strategic use of consumables. For Demonology Warlocks, the following consumables are vital for amplifying spellcasting prowess and ensuring dominance in every encounter.


Severed Sagefish Head or Seafood Magnifique Feast or Fortune Cookie: Each of these options grants a well-fed buff that increases Intellect by +90 for an hour. This boost in Intellect significantly enhances your spell power, crucial for the effective casting of destructive spells and maintaining mana efficiency.


Flask of the Draconic Mind: Essential for every Demonology Warlock, this flask increases Intellect by +300 for one hour. The substantial gain in Intellect from this flask directly translates into higher spell power, ensuring your dark incantations inflict maximum damage upon your foes.


Volcanic Potion: The potion of choice during the heat of battle, providing a temporary surge of +1200 Intellect for 25 seconds. When timed correctly, this potion can dramatically enhance your spellcasting capability during critical moments of a fight, potentially altering the outcome in your favor.


Navigating the complex landscape of Azeroth as a Demonology Warlock requires a deep understanding of dark magics and demonic synergies. This guide breaks down the essential rotation and ability priorities for maximizing your dark potential in Raid environments.

Pre Pull Antics

in cata you can do a pre pull trick to get a buff. Build a Mastery set with as high of that stat as you can. Use the gear manager or a macro to swap to all your mastery gear. Right before the pull, go into Metamorphosis then quickly swap back to your raid gear and prepot. Precast Incinerate (or shadowbolt if that’s your flavor) then use Demon Leap to get into melee range then go about your rotation. Generally you will be attacking with the melee within 16 yards so you can use Shadowflame on CD. Summon your DoomGuard.


Curse of the Elements: Always begin by applying this debuff if it’s not provided by another player. It significantly increases the magical damage the target takes, amplifying your overall DPS.

Immolate: A foundational DoT that should be consistently maintained on the target. It’s automatically refreshed by Hand of Gul’dan, minimizing the need for recasting.

Bane of Doom: Apply and sustain this potent DoT for its high damage output over time. Remember that BoD only applies to one target. Using it on a second will remove it from your first target.

Cast Immolation Aura now that you’re settled in with the Melee.

Corruption: Another critical DoT that should always be active on the target.

Shadowflame: Use this ability when in melee range for additional damage on cooldown. It has a 16 yard range so always try to stay in this range. 

Hand of Gul’dan: Cast promptly to benefit from its effects and refresh Immolate.

Soul Fire: Utilize when the target is below 25% health to exploit the Decimation buff.

Incinerate (or Shadow Bolt for the Shadow Bolt Rotation): Serves as your primary filler spell, depending on your chosen rotation.


Get your felgaurd in there to start and hit metamorphosis. Cast immolation Aura when in melee range. If you need to get to the pack fast do a Demon leap.

For 2-3 enemies, maintain your core DoTs (Corruption, Immolate, and Bane of Doom/Bane of Agony) on all targets, utilizing Soul Swap for efficient DoT spreading. 

In scenarios with 4-5 adversaries, apply Immolate and Corruption, then focus on channeling Hellfire while in close proximity. You can move around using Hellfire to slay your foes!

Against six or more foes, prioritize channeling Hellfire, casting Felstorm, and using Shadowflame as your DoTs become less efficient due to the short enemy lifespan.

Cast Hand of Gul’dan. Warlock smash.


The Felhunter is generally your go-to minion for single-target DPS due to its synergistic abilities with your rotation.

For AoE situations, switching to a Felguard for its powerful Felstorm ability enhances your damage output.


Metamorphosis: Your most significant DPS cooldown, transforming you into a demonic form for increased damage. Use on cooldown to maximize its uptime.

Demon Soul: Use in conjunction with your Felguard for a substantial DPS boost. This cooldown should be utilized as often as possible to align with other damage-increasing effects.

Doomguard / Infernal: Choose based on the encounter’s demands—Doomguard for single-target or Infernal for multiple targets. Timing is crucial to coincide with peak DPS phases and trinket activations.


Warlock Buffs, Defensive Cooldowns, and Raid Utility in Cataclysm

Warlocks in Cataclysm offer a unique set of buffs, debuffs, and utilities that enhance both their own capabilities and those of their raid or party members. Key contributions include:

Buffs and Utility

Dark Intent: This powerful ability links the Warlock with a teammate, granting both a 3% haste increase. Furthermore, each time one of them achieves a critical hit with a periodic ability, the Warlock’s periodic damage and healing increase by 3%, and the linked partner’s periodic damage or healing increases by 1%. This effect can stack up to three times and lasts 7 seconds, emphasizing synergy with classes reliant on periodic effects.

Fel Intelligence: Boosts the mana pool and provides a mana regeneration bonus. It is important to note that this does not stack with similar effects from Arcane Brilliance (Mages) or Mana Spring Totem (Shamans), ensuring that Warlocks do not overwrite or waste these buffs.


Curse of the Elements: Increases magic damage taken by the target, enhancing the raid’s overall magical DPS output. This debuff does not stack with similar effects from other classes, making coordination crucial to avoid redundancy.

Curse of Tongues: Slows the casting speed of the target by 30%, particularly useful in PvP or against certain PvE bosses to disrupt their casting.

Curse of Weakness: Reduces the physical damage dealt by the target, which can be beneficial in reducing the incoming damage on tanks.

Shadow and Flame: Boosts the magic critical strike chance against the target, further amplifying magic damage output from the Warlock and allies.

Utility Skills

Ritual of Souls: Creates Healthstones, providing a significant self-heal to anyone in the raid who uses it. A critical survival tool that can be used once every two minutes.

Ritual of Summoning: A convenience utility that allows Warlocks to summon party or raid members to their location, proving invaluable for gathering groups quickly.

Create Soulstone: Enables a unique form of resurrection, allowing a player to self-resurrect if applied before death or to function as a combat resurrection if used on a dead teammate.

Crowd Control

Warlocks have a variety of crowd control abilities: Fear, Howl of Terror, Banish, Enslave Demon: These abilities offer Warlocks a variety of options for controlling the battlefield, from fearing multiple enemies to taking control of enemy demons. Each spell serves a strategic purpose, either by incapacitating foes or turning their strength against them.


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