Subtlety Rogue in Cataclysm stands out for their exceptional burst damage capabilities and prowess in stealth-based gameplay. Specializing in ambush and evasion, Subtlety Rogues excel in executing powerful opening attacks from stealth, utilizing abilities like Shadowstep for rapid positioning and Backstab for high damage. The specialization’s strength lies in its Shadow Dance ability, which allows the use of stealth-only abilities in combat, dramatically spiking their damage output in short bursts. Effective use of Eviscerate and maintaining Hemorrhage for bleed effects are crucial to their rotation. Subtlety Rogues also offer significant utility with tricks such as Smoke Bomb, which can protect allies and disrupt enemy actions. Mastering a Subtlety Rogue involves a deep understanding of stealth tactics, precise timing of cooldowns, and the ability to capitalize on the windows of high damage potential during critical phases of an encounter.


In Cataclysm, the choice of race for a Subtlety Rogue is pivotal, offering unique benefits that enhance their lethal capabilities in PvE. This guide explores the optimal racial choices to maximize DPS for Sub Rogues. The best classes for PVE have a 🔥



Known for their versatility, Humans have the “Every Man for Himself” ability that frees up a trinket slot by letting you escape CC. 

    Night Elf🔥

Boasts increased base agility and “Shadowmeld” for strategic survivability, making them a prime choice for Sub Rogues focused on DPS.


“Stoneform” offers a defensive edge by removing adverse effects, crucial for PvE durability. 


“Escape Artist” enhances mobility by allowing escape from snares and roots, aiding in maintaining consistent DPS.


Delivers a critical strike bonus and “Darkflight” for improved mobility and damage output, making them an excellent option for maximizing DPS.



“Blood Fury” provides a significant increase in attack power, beneficial for burst phases in PvE, enhancing overall DPS.


“Will of the Forsaken” grants immunity to charm, fear, and sleep effects, offering a tactical advantage in specific PvE encounters.


“War Stomp” offers crowd control with its AoE stun, useful in certain PvE situations for managing enemy groups.


“Berserking” increases attack speed, significantly boosting DPS, particularly valuable for sustained damage output in PvE.

Blood Elf

“Arcane Torrent” serves dual purposes, offering both energy restoration and an AoE silence, providing utility and a combat edge.


Features “Rocket Jump” for mobility and “Rocket Barrage” for additional burst damage, alongside a 1% haste buff from “Time is Money,” making them a powerful choice for Sub Rogues aiming to optimize their DPS in PvE.



This comprehensive analysis delves into the hierarchy of stats for Subtlety Rogues, shedding light on the pivotal role each stat plays in enhancing their lethality in PVE


Agility is paramount for Subtlety Rogues, serving as the primary driver of your offensive capabilities. It enhances your attack power, directly boosting the damage of every move you make. Additionally, agility increases your critical strike chance, allowing for more frequent and impactful critical hits. This dual benefit makes agility indispensable, as it not only escalates your damage output but also amplifies your ability to deliver high-precision strikes in critical moments.

Hit Rating (up to 8%)

Achieving an 8% hit cap is crucial, equating to 961 Hit Rating. This ensures that your special attacks reliably hit their target, solidifying your offensive consistency. Once this cap is reached, additional Hit Rating becomes less impactful.

Expertise Rating (up to 26)

To prevent your attacks from being dodged, reaching an Expertise cap of 26 (equivalent to 781 Expertise Rating) is essential, ensuring your assaults can’t be evaded by bosses.

Haste Rating

This stat is vital for increasing your attack speed and enhancing energy regeneration, which is key for maintaining an effective rotation and ensuring constant pressure on your foes.

Critical Strike Rating

Boosting your chance to land critical hits, this stat significantly enhances your ability to deliver high burst damage, crucial for exploiting vulnerabilities.

Mastery Rating

Mastery increases the damage of your finishing moves and white damage from SnD (Slice n Dice), mastery ranks lower due to its comparative lack of impact on your damage compared to other stats.



This guide delves into the optimal gem choices for Subtlety Rogues, emphasizing agility to exploit their specialization and leather bonuses fully.


Epic Gems are not available in Phase one of Cataclysm

Delicate Chimera’s Eye: Bestows a remarkable 67 Agility, exclusive to Jewelcrafters, enhancing damage output and critical strike efficiency.
Delicate Queen’s Garnet: Provides a robust 50 Agility, an excellent choice for maximizing offensive prowess.
Delicate Inferno Ruby: The staple choice, offering a solid 40 Agility boost, ideal for optimizing performance.


Quick Lightstone/Amberjewel: Grants 50 or 40 Haste, accelerating attack and energy regeneration rates.
Smooth Lightstone/Amberjewel: Offers 50 or 40 Critical Strike Rating, enhancing the ability to land devastating critical hits.


Typically, blue gems are bypassed in favor of maximizing Agility through red gems, aligning with Subtlety Rogues’ primary stat preference for unparalleled lethality.


Agile Shadowspirit Diamond: This gem is the crown jewel, providing an impressive 54 Agility and amplifying critical damage effects by 3%. It necessitates the inclusion of at least three red gems, seamlessly integrating with the strategy of prioritizing Delicate gems for every slot.


For Sub Rogues committed to excelling in their craft, selecting the right professions is a crucial step toward enhancing their prowess in a raid environment.


Grants the Draconic Embossment – Agility enchantment, adding 130 Agility directly to your gear, crucial for increasing your damage and critical strike chance.


Provides exclusive Delicate Chimera’s Eye gems, offering an additional 81 Agility over standard gems, enabling superior gear optimization.


Benefits: Offering Swordguard Embroidery, which can proc a 1000 attack power increase. While not providing a consistent stat boost like other professions, this proc can offer periodic spikes in DPS, making it a potential option for those seeking an alternative enhancement route.


Allows for two extra gem slots, which can be filled with Delicate Inferno Rubies, totaling an additional 80 Agility, offering flexibility in gear customization.


Boosts the effect of Flask of the Winds by an extra 80 Agility and extends its duration, offering sustained combat benefits.


Enables ring enchantments with Enchant Ring – Agility, providing a total of 80 Agility for an enhanced gear advantage.


Utilizes Swiftsteel Inscription for an extra 80 Agility, helping Combat Rogues excel in combat.


Notably offers Synapse Springs, increasing Agility by 480 for 10 seconds every minute, perfect for burst phases. Engineering also brings a suite of useful gadgets and utilities, like Nitro Boosts for speed and Grounded Plasma Shield for damage mitigation, enhancing both offensive and defensive capabilities.


Grants Lifeblood, offering a heal over time and a temporary haste boost, useful for both survivability and burst damage.


Provides a passive 80 Crit rating through Master of Anatomy, beneficial for those looking to enhance their critical strike chance.


Increases Stamina by 120 through Toughness, offering a slight survivability boost, a secondary benefit for PvP enthusiasts.



In the art of stealth and subtlety, enchanting their gear with the right enhancements is crucial for Subtlety Rogues to maximize damage output and survivability.


Arcanum of the Ramkahen: Elevates Agility by +60 and Haste by +35, significantly enhancing your attack speed and the responsiveness of your combat actions.


Greater Inscription of Shattered Crystal: Boosts Agility by +50 and Critical Strike by +25, sharpening your ability to deal critical hits.

Swiftsteel Inscription (Inscription): Offers an exceptional +130 Agility, making it a superior choice for hunters who can craft or acquire it.


Enchant Cloak – Major Agility: Increases Agility by +22, further augmenting your primary stat for damage and critical hit chance.

Enchant Cloak – Greater Critical Strike: Alternatively boosts Critical Strike by +65, optimizing your chance to deal double damage on attacks.


Enchant Chest – Peerless Stats: Enhances all stats by +20, providing a balanced boost to your overall combat capabilities.


Enchant Bracer – Agility: Raises Agility by +50, directly increasing your damage output and critical strike probability.

Draconic Embossment – Agility (Leatherworking): Augments Agility by +130, essential for leatherworkers aiming to maximize their efficiency in combat.


Enchant Gloves – Major Agility: Provides +20 Agility, ensuring higher damage and critical hit rates.

Synapse Springs (Engineering): Temporarily boosts Agility by +480, offering a crucial advantage in burst scenarios.


Ebonsteel Belt Buckle: Adds a gem slot, allowing for additional customization and stat enhancement.


Dragonscale Leg Armor: Delivers +190 Attack Power and +55 Critical Strike, significantly increasing your potential to inflict damage.


Enchant Boots – Assassin’s Step: Enhances Agility by +25 and increases movement speed, ensuring agility in both damage and positioning.


Enchant Ring – Agility: Boosts Agility by +40 per ring, offering a significant increase to your most crucial stat.


Enchant Weapon – Landslide, occasionally bolstering Attack Power by +1000, crucially empowers your capacity to deliver catastrophic blows.


Combat Rogues, renowned for their agile and devastating strikes, constantly seek methods to elevate their lethality in PVE.

Flasks and potions

Flask of the Winds: Boosts Agility by 300 for 1 hour, providing a substantial increase in damage output and critical hit chance.

Potion of the Tol’vir: Grants a massive 1,200 Agility boost for 25 seconds, ideal for burst phases or critical moments.


Skewered Eel: Provides a Well Fed buff, increasing Agility and Stamina by 90 for 1 hour, excellent for maintaining peak performance.

Seafood Magnifique Feast: Offers the same benefits as Skewered Eel to the entire party or raid, symbolizing camaraderie and shared resolve.

Fortune Cookie: Offers a Well Fed buff similar to Skewered Eel, with the added twist of potentially beneficial fortunes, providing both sustenance and entertainment.


Subtlety Rogues epitomize the art of the unseen assassin, leveraging the shadows to deliver devastating blows before their enemies can react.


Your primary goal is to generate and spend Combo Points in a cyclical rotation that maximizes damage output:

Initiate with Ambush when in Stealth to capitalize on the substantial damage boost.

Apply and maintain Hemorrhage‘s bleed effect to enhance bleed damage, utilizing it as your primary Combo Point generator when Backstab is not viable.

Prioritize Backstab for building Combo Points, shifting to Hemorrhage when attacking from the front.

At 5 Combo Points, execute your Finishing Moves in the following order: maintain Slice and Dice, refresh Rupture using Eviscerate, and sustain Recuperate for enhanced Energy regeneration.


Subtlety faces challenges in AoE situations. When dealing with large groups: Resort to Fan of Knives only when facing numerous enemies (10+), maintaining single-target rotation on lesser counts.
Prioritize keeping Slice and Dice, Recuperate, and Hemorrhage active, omitting Rupture due to its single-target nature.


Main-hand weapon: Always apply Instant Poison for consistent damage. Off-hand weapon: Utilize Deadly Poison to stack a damaging DoT. Thrown weapon: Opt for Wound Poison when focusing on AoE damage through Fan of Knives. If packs will be a live long enough you can use Deadly Poison for the DoT. This is unusual that packs are alive this long though.


Subtlety Rogues have a suite of cooldowns centered around Ambush and Find Weakness: Shadow Dance and Vanish offer frequent opportunities to apply Ambush, significantly boosting damage through Find Weakness.

Premeditation and Preparation enhance your Combo Point efficiency and reset crucial abilities, respectively.

Shadowstep optimizes positioning for Ambush and contributes to overall damage output.

Redirect: Redirect is a ability on a 1 minute CD that allows you to redirect your combo points to another target so you can switch targets and continue to attack without losing those combo points.


Energy and Combo Point Management: Mastery over your resources is critical, with talents like Relentless Strikes and Energetic Recovery playing pivotal roles.

Poison and Weapon Synergy: Understanding the interplay between your chosen poisons and weapon speed optimizes damage output.

Find Weakness Maximization: Coordinating cooldowns to maintain high uptime on Find Weakness significantly increases your damage potential.

Finishing Move Prioritization: Balancing the upkeep of Slice and Dice, Recuperate, and Rupture is crucial for maintaining optimal damage and survivability.

Mastering Defensive Cooldowns and Raid Utility

In Cataclysm, rogue expertise extends beyond dealing damage to encompass vital support and utility roles within parties and raids. Understanding defensive cooldowns and raid utility is paramount for expert rogue players, ensuring their effectiveness in various encounters. Among the buffs and debuffs at their disposal, Tricks of the Trade stands out as a crucial tool, boosting a teammate’s damage output significantly, thereby accelerating the pace of encounters and aiding in defeating bosses swiftly. While Expose Armor may not often be applied directly by rogues, its armor reduction effect contributes to increasing the overall damage dealt by the raid.

Master Poisoner enhances spell damage taken by enemies, a valuable debuff that synergizes with other classes’ abilities to amplify damage output. Meanwhile, “Mind-numbing Poison” and “Wound Poison” provide utility by slowing cast speed and reducing enemy healing.


In terms of utility, abilities like Disarm Trap and Dismantle enable rogues to handle environmental hazards and disarm enemy combatants. This respectively, showcases their versatility beyond combat. Crowd control capabilities, including “Cheap Shot,” “Kidney Shot,” and “Sap,” offer invaluable control over enemy movements and actions, granting the party strategic advantages during encounters. Survival tools like Sprint, Cloak of Shadows, and Evasion not only enhance the rogue’s survivability but also allow them to navigate encounters more effectively, avoiding deadly mechanics and staying agile in combat. Finally, Feint serves as a crucial damage mitigation tool, reducing incoming AoE damage. Mastering these defensive cooldowns and raid utility abilities empowers expert rogue players to not only survive challenging encounters but also contribute significantly to their party or raid’s success in Cataclysm content.


  1. I dunno about sub being competetive right away. Sub sucks on trash and needs lots of gear. Everything I’ve seen is late in DS but why bother playing it? Not a fun rotation. Go Combat CFL

    • We’re gonna find out real soon here. I think a good player will get good numbers similar to a good feral cat. That said Ass and Combat will give most people a rotation that allows them more time to focus on boss mechanics most likely. I’ll be playing combat and assassination to start but if Sub is popping off I’ll take another look.

      Trash is super rough for Sub, I’ll give you that.


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