Lost City of the Tol’vir

Conquering the Lost City of the Tol’vir

LotT is a challenging dungeon located deep within the sands of Uldum. In this guide, we’ll provide you with the strategies and tactics necessary to conquer each encounter within this ancient city. Prepare to face formidable foes, navigate treacherous terrain, and emerge victorious as you uncover the secrets hidden within its depths.For the normal version you’ll want to be atleast level 83.  Let’s dive in and master the challenges that await!

General Husam

General Husam, the first adversariy,  poses significant threats with his abilities, including Shockwave, Bad Intentions, Hammer Fist, and Mystic Trap. To crush him, players spread out to minimize the impact of Shockwave, interrupt Bad Intentions to prevent stuns, and mitigate damage from Hammer Fist. Additionally, staying alert for Mystic Traps and swiftly moving away from their locations is crucial to avoid detonation. In Heroic mode, Husam gains the ability to Detonate Traps prematurely, requiring quick reactions and adjusted positioning. This is a pretty straight forward fight. Tank it, spank it, and move on.

Lockmaw & Augh

Upon entering this section of the city, adventurers must swiftly navigate past the pygmies and head towards Lockmaw, the crocodile boss. Augh may also appear, but players can bypass engaging with the smaller enemies. As you come into the area and see the little Pigmies but stay sharp right, turn down and follow the river up to Lockmaw.

During the encounter with Lockmaw, players must stay clear of his tail to avoid taking damage. When Lockmaw casts Scent of Blood, four baby crocs will attack the group, requiring players to stack on the tank and cleave or focus all adds before focusing back on Lockmaw. Lockmaw enrages at 30%, necessitating the dispelling of his Enrage effect by a rogue or hunter if you have one. Once Lockmaw is defeated, Augh may spawn and pose additional challenges with disorienting abilities and whirlwind attacks. Players must kite Augh, stay away from whirlwinds, and swiftly kick his ass. He’s just annoying rather than a challenge. 

High Prophet Barim

High Prophet Barim requires a meticulous approach and teamwork. Throughout the encounter, Barim employs a range of abilities that demand swift reactions and strategic positioning. His Fifty Lashings augment his melee attacks with additional Physical damage, while his Plague of Ages inflicts Nature damage over time on multiple players. Additionally, Barim calls down Heaven’s Fury, raining Holy damage upon random players. When Barim’s health dwindles to 50%, he triggers phase two by casting Repentance, pulling all players to him and stunning them. In this stage, players face the Harbinger of Darkness in a realm of darkness, where they must kill the Harbinger to return to the normal realm and continue the fight against Barim. Throughout both stages, effective positioning, interrupting key abilities like Plague of Ages, and managing incoming damage are crucial.


The final encounter in the Lost City of the Tol’vir, Siamat, the tempestuous lord of storms, poses a formidable challenge. In the initial stage of the encounter, Siamat remains aloft, impervious to direct damage, while unleashing a barrage of devastating abilities. Storm Bolt targets random players with Nature damage, while Cloud Burst summons damaging clouds that must be avoided. Servants of Siamat, powerful air elementals, join the fray, unleashing Lightning Nova and Thunder Crash upon the group. Additionally, Minions of Siamat bolster the onslaught with Chain Lightning and Tempest Storm. Upon killing the three Servants, players transition to phase two, where Siamat lands on the platform, becoming vulnerable. Here, he casts Wailing Winds and Storm Bolt, while absorbing Tempest Storms to unleash Gathered Storms upon players. In Heroic Difficulty, Gathered Storms affects all players, rather than just 2, intensifying the challenge.

Strategy for Slaying Siamat

In the initial stage of the encounter with Siamat, prioritize coordination and positioning. Spread out to minimize the impact of Chain Lightning while ensuring everyone remains within reach of healers. When Siamat summons Cloud Burst, swiftly move away from the targeted area to evade the damage and knock-up effect. Focus your damage on Servants of Siamat to swiftly eliminate them, mitigating incoming damage from their Lightning Nova and Thunder Crash abilities. Stay vigilant for Storm Bolt targeting random players and adjust positioning accordingly to minimize its impact.

As you transition to stage two, concentrate your efforts on defeating three Servants of Siamat to trigger the next phase of the encounter. Prepare for the increased intensity of Siamat’s attacks as he lands on the platform. Mitigate the damage from Wailing Winds by using defensive cooldowns and healers should prepare for lots of healing. Adapt to the heightened damage of Storm Bolt in stage two, and maintain awareness of your positioning to minimize its impact on the group. When Siamat absorbs Tempest Storms, be proactive in avoiding the path of Gathered Storms, which inflicts damage to affected players.

Congratulations, collect your loot and head off!

1 Comment

  1. This is my fav dungeon ever. So ready for Cata. Im done with wrath now


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