Mastering Maloriak: A Boss Guide

THE Maloriak Encounter

The encounter with Maloriak in Blackwing Descent presents a formidable challenge. This encounter demands precise execution and strategic planning. Here’s a detailed guide to navigating this complex battle.

Health Pools and Enrage Timer

The health pool of Maloriak sees a substantial increase from Normal to Heroic mode. Specifically, Maloriak’s health is set at 19.8 million in 10-man Normal difficulty, which escalates to 34.6 million in 10-man Heroic. In 25-man groups Maloriak’s health jumps from 69.3 million in Normal to 121.2 million in Heroic.

The encounter also introduces Aberrations, Maloriak’s minions. Their health pools increase significantly in Heroic mode. In 10-man Normal difficulty, each Aberration possesses 248k health, which more than doubles to 584k in 10-man Heroic. The challenge scales up in 25-man. Aberrations’ health increases from 872k in Normal to an immense 2.13 million in Heroic. This stark increase in health emphasizes the critical need for strategic add management to keep the fight under control.

Teams must also be mindful of the enrage timer. It poses an ultimate limit on the encounter’s duration. In Normal mode, Maloriak will enrage after 7 minutes. Heroic mode extends this timer to 12 minutes. This extended timer in heroic does not lessen the importance of maintaining high DPS and effective add control. It highlights the necessity of a well-coordinated and strategic approach to overcome Maloriak.

Raid Compositions

The advised raid composition remains consistent with the norms of Heroic mode encounters. Typically, a setup of 2 tanks, 3 healers, and 5 DPS is recommended for 10-man groups. This is the same for normal difficulty. In 25-man setups, the flexibility extends to 2 or 3 tanks, 5 to 7 healers, and a balance of 15 to 18 DPS.

Overview of the Fight

The Main Phase cycles through Blue, Red, and Green sub-phases. There is also an added complication of a Dark Phase in Heroic mode. Managing the 18 Aberrations released by Maloriak is crucial. It is also crucial for dealing with the mechanics of each sub-phase to avoid being overwhelmed when Maloriak reaches 25% health and triggers the Nuke Phase. The blue phase and red phase are interchangeable but green will always come after those.

Handling the Aberrations

Maloriak attempts to release Aberrations throughout the encounter. This is signaled by his casting of the “Release Aberrations” ability. The strategic approach to this mechanic is not to allow all Aberrations to be released right away. You need to control their release through calculated interrupts.

Optimal Number of Releases:

The goal is to let Maloriak release a total of 9 Aberrations across the Blue and Red Phases of each cycle. This number is optimal because it balances the raid’s ability to manage the adds’ damage. This setts your team up for efficient add killing during the Green Phase.

By allowing three packs of three Aberrations to be released before the Green Phase, the raid can focus on AoE damage when the adds are most vulnerable. This is thanks to the “Debilitating Slime” debuff applied by Maloriak.

Timing and Interrupts

Maloriak’s casting of “Release Aberrations” is periodic, but the raid has the power to interrupt this ability. The strategy involves interrupting the first instance of this cast at the beginning of each cycle, then allowing the next three consecutive casts to proceed uninterrupted. Doing this will release the targeted number of nine Aberrations.

After nine Aberrations have been released, all subsequent casts of “Release Aberrations” within the same cycle should be interrupted to prevent additional adds.

It’s crucial to have dedicated interrupters assigned to this task, with clear communication and backups in place to ensure no interruptions are missed.

Handling Released Aberrations

Once released, the Aberrations pose a significant threat to the raid and must be managed with care.

Tanking and Positioning:

Aberrations should be quickly picked up by the off-tank(s) and positioned away from Maloriak to avoid unnecessary cleave or AoE damage affecting them. The separation is crucial due to the “Growth Catalyst” buff that Aberrations apply to themselves and each other, increasing their damage output.

In a 25-man raid, utilizing two off-tanks to split the Aberrations can help manage their buff stacks more effectively.

Elimination during Green Phase:

The Green Phase, marked by Maloriak’s casting of “Debilitating Slime,” is the optimal time for the raid to focus on eliminating the Aberrations. The debuff removes the “Growth Catalyst” buff from the adds, making them susceptible to increased damage.

DPS should prioritize AoE and cleave attacks during this phase. That way they are taking advantage of the adds’ weakened state to clear them quickly. Proper coordination makes sure that the raid can refocus on Maloriak without the added pressure of managing Aberrations in later phases.

Blue Phase

Maloriak demonstrates his mastery over frost. This necessitates the raid to spread out to mitigate the impact of Flash Freeze. It targets random raid members, encasing them in ice that must be quickly destroyed to free the affected players. Additionally, Biting Chill is cast on players in melee range, including the tank. Biting Chill then radiates frost damage to nearby allies up to 3 yards. The afflicted must move away from the group to minimize raid-wide damage. The melee DPS and tanks must remain vigilant to reposition if needed.

Red Phase

Conversely, the Red Phase requires the raid to adopt a closely stacked formation in front of Maloriak to share the damage from Scorching Blast—a conal fire attack that splits damage if there are multiple people in the cone. However, the introduction of Consuming Flames complicates this seemingly straightforward stacking strategy. This debuff significantly increases Scorching Blast’s damage to the affected player, necessitating their quick repositioning out of the raid group to avoid lethal damage. If you get consuming flames then leave the stack immediately! The precise management of Consuming Flames is crucial to surviving this phase, highlighting the importance of coordination and quick responses.

Green Phase

The Green Phase is defined by the release of the rest of the Aberrations and the application of Debilitating Slime by Maloriak. This ability debuffs all units in the room, including the Aberrations and raid members. This slime removes the Growth Catalyst buff from the Aberrations, making them vulnerable to increased damage. It is during this phase that the raid should focus on Killing the adds, taking advantage of the damage buff to clear the room quickly. Tanking the Aberrations near Maloriak can maximize DPS output, as AoE and cleave damage can hit both the boss and the adds.

Dark Phase (Heroic Mode Exclusive)

The Dark Phase, exclusive to Heroic mode, further tests the raid’s coordination. Upon the initial pull, Maloriak gains immunity to taunt and summons Vile Swills—dark oozes that must be kited around the room to avoid stacking Dark Sludge puddles. These inflict significant shadow damage to raiders within 3 yards of them. The tank faces the additional challenge of Engulfing Darkness, a targeted attack that prevents any healing on the tank for its duration. This requiring preemptive healing and the use of defensive cooldowns to survive. Effective kiting, add management, and prioritization of healing are paramount to navigating the Dark Phase successfully.


Vile Swills: Upon initiating the Dark Phase, Maloriak summons Vile Swills. They are shadowy oozes with substantial health pools. These adds must be kited around the perimeter of the room to manage the placement of Dark Sludge puddles they spawn, challenging the raid’s control over add movement and area denial.

Engulfing Darkness: A targeted attack that Maloriak casts on the tank. It initiates a channel that prevents any healing on the tank for its duration. This ability requires the tank to have substantial health before the cast and may necessitate the use of personal defensive cooldowns to survive.

Dark Sludge: Cast by the Vile Swills, this ability creates puddles on the ground that deal shadow damage to anyone standing in them. The frequency and placement of these puddles demand constant movement and spatial awareness from the raid to avoid unnecessary damage.

Heroic Mode Adjustments

Increased Damage: Almost all of Maloriak’s abilities deal more damage in Heroic mode, necessitating higher healing throughput and the use of resistance gear or buffs.

Prime Subjects and Fixate: The introduction of Prime Subjects with the Fixate ability adds another layer of complexity, requiring off-tanks to quickly secure aggro and kite these targets.

THE Nuke Phase

The Nuke Phase in the Maloriak encounter is triggered once Maloriak’s health drops below 25%. This final phase represents a critical juncture in the fight, transitioning the encounter into a high-intensity DPS race against time. The objective is clear: the raid must eliminate Maloriak before his increased damage output becomes unmanageable.

Key Characteristics of the Nuke Phase

Release of All Adds: Upon entering the Nuke Phase, Maloriak releases any remaining Aberrations and Prime Subjects that have not yet been dealt with. The immediate influx of adds places additional pressure on the raid, emphasizing the necessity for efficient AoE damage and control to manage these threats quickly.

Increased Damage Output: Maloriak’s damage significantly increases during this phase. Notable abilities that the raid must contend with include Absolute Zero, summoning ice orbs that deal damage to nearby players, and Acid Nova, a raid-wide AoE causing substantial Nature damage over time. Additionally, Magma Jets create lines of fire that pose a deadly threat if not swiftly avoided, min 3 yards.

Remedy: This self-buff continues to be a factor. It must be dispelled or spell-stolen promptly to prevent Maloriak from benefiting from its healing and mana regeneration effects. This ensures that his survivability does not outpace the raid’s damage output.

Strategy for the Nuke Phase

Prioritize Add Control: The sudden release of all remaining adds demands immediate attention. DPS should utilize AoE and cleave abilities to quickly reduce their numbers.

Maximize DPS on Maloriak: With the clock ticking against the enrage timer, all DPS must focus intensely on Maloriak. Use every available cooldown and damage-increasing ability here. The goal is to maximize output, pushing for the boss’s defeat before the raid succumbs to the escalating damage.

Manage Movement and Positioning: Navigating Magma Jets and avoiding Absolute Zero orbs are paramount to survival. Maintaining spatial awareness and moving preemptively can mitigate these threats.

Healing Through Acid Nova: Healers face the challenge of sustaining the raid through the Acid Nova damage, requiring efficient use of healing cooldowns and AoE heals to keep everyone alive.

Dispelling Remedy: A designated player, ideally with a quick dispel or spell-steal ability, should be tasked with removing Remedy from Maloriak to hinder his healing and mana regeneration, critically weakening him during this phase.


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